
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Urban Camo & Pretty In Punk - KBShimmer

Press Sample


I have 2 more KBShimmer multichromes to show you today that were just recently released as part of the Winter 2013 collection (you can see the first 2 here). This time is 'Urban Camo' and 'Pretty In Punk'. These are again the holo and non-holo versions of each other and they are GORGEOUS!

Urban Camo, KBShimmer, swatch

Urban Camo, KBShimmer, swatch
The shift in this polish is SO strong. These pictures show a pretty good summary of the shifts in 'Urban Camo'. Right from a greyed out green through bright green, aqua, blue, right through to bright purple. I love this polish.

Urban Camo, KBShimmer, swatch
Straight on, in regular light, 'Urban Camo' appears mostly green. Sometimes it has quite a silvery cast, but in brighter light it becomes the most vivid jewel green.

Pretty In Punk, KBShimmer, swatch

Pretty In Punk, KBShimmer, swatch
'Pretty In Punk' has basically got the same colour shifts as 'Urban Camo', but they tend to be just ever so slightly muted due to the holo. That is in no way a bad thing as the holo really brings this polish alive. As with 'Myth You Lots' the holo is scattered, but linear. It's not shy, but it is also not obnoxiously in your face. Beautiful.

Pretty In Punk, KBShimmer, swatch

Pretty In Punk, KBShimmer, swatch
Again, 'Pretty In Punk' mainly appears green. The bottom picture shows that greyed out green I mentioned with 'Urban Camo'. This polish also gets that gorgeous bright green, but this time with the added bonus of holo.

Both of these polishes applied easily. 'Urban Camo' is slightly sheer, but 3 coats gives full opacity (though as usual I have used an extra coat for the purpose of these photos). Depending on how thick you apply your coats, 'Pretty In Punk' could be opaque in 2-3 coats - I used 3 in these photos. One thing I will suggest is to wait a few minutes between coats when applying 'Urban Camo'. If I didn't let it dry enough, I got just a small amount of pulling or dragging, not too bad though.

KBShimmer is available from a number of places in the USA, have a look at the Locations page for a shop or event near you. For us international ladies, check out Harlow & Co (free shipping on international orders over $75!).

These products were provided for review. This is my personal, unbiased opinion.
For more information, see my disclosure policy.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Winter Hyacinth & Coldwraith - Femme Fatale

Press Sample


I have a couple of Femme Fatale polishes to show you today. I'm really excited to try these as I think that Aussie indies are really some of the most exciting. Today I have 'Winter Hyacinth' and 'Coldwraith'.

Winter Hyacinth, Femme Fatale, swatch

Winter Hyacinth, Femme Fatale, swatch
I really like this polish. It's really pretty and there's something romantic about it (which is difficult to say in a glitter, I think). The shade of blue is really gorgeous and soft. The pink holographic glitters really catch the light and play so well against the blue of the base.

The base is perfectly jelly-like, to add to the soft look of this polish. Due to the jelly nature of the base, it is fairly sheer. This is 3 thinnish coats and though it's not fully opaque, I like this level of opacity (remember also, my camera and lighting makes it look slightly more sheer in these photos than in real life).

Coldwraith, Femme Fatale, swatch

Coldwraith, Femme Fatale, swatch
This is 'Coldwraith' and it is another beauty. Femme Fatale suggests putting this over dark blue or black and I did try that and it was gorgeous, but my top coat shrank it horribly so I couldn't take pictures. Looking online, that's how it is mostly swatched, so I decided to try something else. This is one very thin coat of 'Coldwraith' over a-england 'King Arthur' and I really like how this looks together.

Coldwraith, Femme Fatale, swatch
The base in 'Coldwraith' is a very dark blue and this photo shows what it looks like with 2 coats over 'King Arthur'. The different blue glitters that are PACKED into this polish all catch the light differently, giving a really gorgeous eye-catching polish against its dark base.

With both of these polishes, the glitter is jam-packed into them. I did actually pop a few drops of thinner into 'Colwraith' and even then I wiped quite a lot of the glitter off the brush. I think that is fantastic, it means you have total control over how dense you want the glitter. 'Winter Hyacinth' was packed full too and that meant that there was absolutely no fishing for the larger glitters - the white hexes and diamonds. Keep in mind that I have minis so that may have helped a tiny bit. Because of the density of the glitter, a thick top coat will be needed. I use a very thin top coat (Essie 'Good To Go') and I needed 2 coats and I still had a bit of texture happening.

Femme Fatale polishes are available from their website (these are $10 AUD each) and they are also stockists of a whole lot of other polish brands and also makeup, so go check them out. Femme Fatale polishes are also available from some other places - be sure to check out the list of international stockists.

You can keep up to date with Femme Fatale by following them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

These products were provided for review. This is my personal, unbiased opinion.
For more information, see my disclosure policy.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bo Peep - Emily de Molly


I have a little post today to show you what I am currently wearing. This is Emily de Molly 'Bo Peep'.

Bo Peep, Emily de Molly, swatch
I love this polish. It's different to anything I own. The minty green is really wearable too, it doesn't give me little pink piggy hands like some can do. 'Bo Peep' has an interesting mix of glitters in it. I love the yellow circle glitters especially.

'Bo Peep' was really easy to work with and the glitters are packed in so you get a really good amount coming onto the nail. I used 3 coats in these photos, but on my left hand 2 coats actually gave good opacity, so that's how I wore it there.

Emilly de Molly polishes are available from a number of places. I purchased mine from Femme Fatale, but check out Emily de Molly stockists here.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Pigment Of My Imagination & Myth You Lots - KB Shimmer

Press Sample


I have the new KB Shimmer multichromes to show you and I thought I might do them in their pairs. In the new Winter 2013 collection, there is a non-holo and a holo version of each of these multichromes. Let me start by saying, the shift on all of these is so strong and so beautiful. I'm starting today with 'Pigment Of My Imagination' and 'Myth You Lots'. Fair warning - there are quite a few pictures in this post :)

'Pigment Of My Imagination'
Pigment of my Imagination, KB Shimmer, swatch
This is 'Pigment Of My Imagination'. There are so many colours that this polish shifts to. Let's have a look through them all.

Pigment of my Imagination, KB Shimmer, swatch

Pigment of my Imagination, KB Shimmer, swatch
Most commonly, in normal lighting, 'Pigment Of My Imagination' shows as purple or blue. This electric blue comes out in slightly brighter light.

Pigment of my Imagination, KB Shimmer, swatch

Pigment of my Imagination, KB Shimmer, swatch
At certain angles, 'Pigment Of My Imagination' becomes a beautiful pink or even a cranberry, almost red colour. So rich and beautiful.

Pigment of my Imagination, KB Shimmer, swatch
At extreme angles, the most intensely beautiful copper comes out. It appears like a gorgeous burnt orange in this photo, but in the first photo you can see how bright and golden it can appear. This is my favourite side of this polish, when that suddenly catches your eye as you move about.

'Myth You Lots'
Myth You Lots, KB Shimmer, swatch

Myth You Lots, KB Shimmer, swatch

Myth You Lots, KB Shimmer, swatch

Myth You Lots, KB Shimmer, swatch
This is 'Myth You Lots'. It has the same shifts as 'Pigment Of My Imagination', but with holo in it. I love this one so much. The holo is that linear, but a little scattered type that I love. It's quite present even in lower lights. The holo pigment lightens the polish up a little.

The formula of both of these was very easy to work with. Nice and thin, so spreads easily, doesn't pull and levels well. 'Pigment Of My Imagination' is a bit sheer, so I thought I may need to layer it over black. In the photos 2 of my fingers are 2 coats over black, and 2 of my fingers are 4 coats. I left it at 3 coats on my left hand and that was actually opaque. Basically, I don't think you need to layer them, as you can't actually tell the difference. 'Myth You Lots' is opaque at 2 thick-ish coats, but I have on 3 in these photos.

KB Shimmer is available from a number of places in the USA, have a look at the Locations page for a shop or event near you. For us international ladies, check out Harlow & Co (free shipping on international orders over $75!).

This product was provided for review. This is my personal, unbiased opinion.
For more information, see my disclosure policy.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Over The Moon - Color Club


I have finished exams and that means I have finished my degree! It feels so good. Not that that's the end though. I am heading back to uni next year to do Honours and will hopefully start my PhD after that, if all goes to plan. So exciting things to come for me there.

Anywho, I quickly painted my nails after my exam, before work yesterday with Color Club 'Over The Moon'.

Over The Moon, Color Club, swatch

Over The Moon, Color Club, swatch

Over The Moon, Color Club, swatch
Here is 'Over The Moon' in all her holo glory. I cannot ever get enough holo in my life. Color Club really does holo well. I love the shade of blue in this too. Kind of icy. Really flattering for a blue I think.

The formula was spectacular on 'Over The Moon' as it has been with the other Color Club Halo Hues I have worn. 2 thin coats is all that was needed for full opacity.

On a side note, I am having serious issues with Blogger at the moment changing the colours of my photos. I have managed to revert my previous photos that were looking HIDEOUS by changing the auto-enhance setting etc, but I'm still trying to work it all out. Apologies for any that Blogger so kindly messed with. I promise I don't terribly fake tan my fingers and I also promise that I don't photograph nails of cadavers and publish them.

Here's a sample of what has been happening. Yes this is the same photo. And hopefully Blogger doesn't mess with these too - it will probably not do it here and they'll look normal x)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Jinx - OPI

WOOOhooooo 3 exams down and one to go! Cannot wait to be free. So soon! Anyways, I have a super quick post today and it is OPI 'Jinx' from the Bond Girls Liquid Sand collection. This is the perfect exam polish. It wears like… something that stays on for a really long time. I've had this baby on since last Saturday and it still looks as good as new a week later.

OPI, Jinx, liquid sand, swatch

OPI, Jinx, liquid sand, swatch
So pretty! I know, I am so late to jump on the textured polish bandwagon. But oh-boy I want them all now. So pretty! Plus I keep just feeling my nails (I know you all do that too!).

'Jinx' was really really easy to use. I sometimes forget how much I love OPI brushes and then I use one again and it's just the right size. I used 2 coats for full opacity on my left hand, but as usual I popped another coat on my right hand to make everything even for the photos.

Which textured polishes are your favourites? I am keen to try more of the OPI Liquid Sands like this and also some Zoya's.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Charming - Cult Nails


How are you? I am one exam down and I can't wait for these babies to be over in a week or so, so I can get back to nails and blogging! I got home from my exam yesterday and the first thing I did was file my nails down. I know I'm crazy busy when my nails get way too long. Anywho… I have a lovely Cult Nails polish to show you today. This is 'Charming'.

Charming, Cult Nails, swatch
I have to say, purple is not a colour that I generally grab to wear on my nails. I am constantly wanting to buy purple polish though. Well I really enjoyed wearing 'Charming' as something different. It is really unique and is an absolute pain to photograph accurately! It is packed with incredibly fine shimmer that appears blue in some lights, but pink in other lights. It has an almost electric feel to it at times while remaining soft and pretty.

'Charming' was really easy to work with. Very smooth and self-leveling. The first couple of coats are very sheer but it is opaque by 3 coats (though there are four on my right hand for photography purposes).

Cult Nails is available from their website and from a few other places. I have just looked on the Cult Nails website and 'Charming' appears not to exist anywhere, but it is currently still available from Nail Polish Canada for $12.