
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rampage - Illamasqua & The Hero Of Time - Dollish Polish

I got my first Illamasqua polishes in the mail recently and I was so excited! A little bit ago, Jeanette from The Swatchaholic had a giveaway going and for everyone who entered, they sent out a discount code (THANK YOU!). I've always wanted to try Illamasqua polishes so I jumped at this and ended up ordering four. They arrived safe and sound and I was so excited and then this happened...

Just a quick instagram pic, but it does the trick. Three of the four polishes lids, when screwed back down after first removing them, didn't line up! This is one of those things that just REALLY bugs me! I have to say, I expected a bit more from a brand like Illamasqua. Lucky for me though, the polishes are gorgeous. Today, I want to show you 'Rampage' and a bit of Dollish Polish, 'The Hero Of Time', to dress it up a little...

Rampage - Illamasqua, The Hero Of Time - Dollish Polish, swatch
'Rampage' is so incredibly pretty! A wonderful forest green. Actually the best way I can describe this, would be classic British Racing Green. I don't really have anything like this so it is such a welcome addition to my little collection. I didn't originally intend to add 'The Hero Of Time' but it was begging to be added to this polish.

Rampage - Illamasqua, The Hero Of Time - Dollish Polish, swatch
Generally in any bright-ish light, the green was very obvious and so pretty...

Rampage - Illamasqua, The Hero Of Time - Dollish Polish, swatch
However, in any sort of lower lighting, it looked a lot more blackened (sometimes looking entirely black). It's all ok by me though as it's pretty cold here and I love a good dark polish in Winter any time. I'm so glad that the green isn't too shy though and does often come out to play.

Rampage - Illamasqua, The Hero Of Time - Dollish Polish, swatch
'The Hero Of Time' is part of the Legend Of  Zelda duo from Dollish Polish. This was actually another polish I was unsure if I'd like so much, but I loved the other polish in this set so I just went for it. Once more, I should trust Dolly. This is gorgeous, and really unique to my ever growing stash of glitters. I love how the gold glitters are square! Such an interesting mix of glitters that just works perfectly.

'Rampage' was lovely to apply. Somewhere between two and three coats were needed. I think I used three coats on this hand to ensure opacity for photos but with a steady hand, I'd say two would suffice. As for 'The Hero Of Time', easy peasy. No problem at all with coverage or dragging or any of that. I used just one thin coat.


  1. Oh! The Hero of All Time is A-MAZ-ING! I love the combination of green and brown and the oblong shaped green glitter! Rampage is a great forest green too!

    1. I love it so much more than I thought I would! I love a polish that can surprise me :) I just cannot get enough of Dolly creations at the moment! Can't wait for Mario collection :)

  2. Hey love, just curious - where did you get your Illamasquas?

    1. I got them direct from Illamasqua :) I think there was either a discount or a shipping deal on at the time


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