
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hey Jude - Enchanted Polish

I'm home and I'm so happy about it! I can't believe our trip is almost half way over already! Anywho, as promised, I have 'Hey Jude' to show you today. Holy mother of multichrome goodness, this is one seriously impressive polish!!!

*WARNING* this polish has a serious number of colours and so naturally this is a picture heavy post, so I'm putting most of it under a jump...

Hey Jude, Enchanted Polish, Beatles, swatch

Hey Jude, Enchanted Polish, Beatles, swatch
These show 'Hey Jude' in the sun in all it's holographic glory. I love these polishes that are holo and multichrome! Be still my beating heart. The second photo shows the more gold-ish sheen that 'Hey Jude' often has in sunlight. It actually shows even more gold and sandy in sunlight, but for the life of me, I could not capture it.

Hey Jude, Enchanted Polish, Beatles, swatch

Hey Jude, Enchanted Polish, Beatles, swatch
I love this dark purple-black colour that 'Hey Jude' gets around the edges of the nail at extreme angles. The first picture also shows a bit more of the gold look.

Hey Jude, Enchanted Polish, Beatles, swatch

Hey Jude, Enchanted Polish, Beatles, swatch
Moving on to possibly my favourite side of 'Hey Jude', the teal/aqua flash. You can actually start to glimpse the purple on the side too. I love the blue flash that you get.

Hey Jude, Enchanted Polish, Beatles, swatch

Hey Jude, Enchanted Polish, Beatles, swatch
On to the pink and purple in 'Hey Jude'. This is seriously a gift that just keeps on giving. All day, I kept finding more colours and racing to find my camera. In fact, mid- argument with the Mr, I kept having to pause to stare at my nails for a time (doesn't make for a convincing argument on my part)!

Hey Jude, Enchanted Polish, Beatles, swatch

Hey Jude, Enchanted Polish, Beatles, swatch
I did warn you about the number of pictures!! These two sort of summarise the colour changes of 'Hey Jude'. I love a polish that can look like an entirely different polish at different angles.

What could make this better?... A perfect formula... Check. I did use three thin coats. Two was so close to being enough, but the third coat just made 'Hey Jude' pop. The one thing I have to say is that I do think perhaps this should come with a warning that it may cause accidents due to not being able to stop staring at it CONSTANTLY!

Enchanted Polish can be purchased from Harlow & Co or from Llarowe for $15 USD. It definitely pays to follow Enchanted Polish, Llarowe or Harlow & Co on Facebook or twitter to find out when restocks are going to happen. This is one of the polishes that is not being discontinued :)


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