
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Neon Water Marble Take 2...

Hi guys!

Sorry for being slightly AWOL. We have had a busy last week in Wellington trying to spend lots of time with family before coming home. Anyway, I had another terrible time trying to marble in Wellington. There is something about that city that means I just can't make it work! After about 3 hours of trying, I managed to pull together something that looked like it worked. I had wanted to do some pastel colours, but the China Glaze neons were the only ones that I could make marble, so here we go...

Don't look too close, because it is not my best work, but considering how much went wrong I think it turned out ok. I used OPI 'My Boyfriend Scales Walls' with China Glaze 'Sun-Kissed', 'Surfin' For Boys', 'Splish Splash' and 'I'm With The Lifeguard'. On the top is a coat of Chi Chi 'Disco Diva'.

As to what went wrong, I have NO idea! I was using polishes that I knew marbled well as I have used them before but something just wasn't right. We tried everything to fix it (temperature, different water etc etc) and I have come to the conclusion that there is just some sort of curse against me marbling in Wellington :) Now I'm back home I am going to reattempt my original idea.


  1. That's so pretty! I hate marbling, I can never get it right

    1. Thanks Allie! I love marbling at home in Auckland but in Wellington... Yea I pretty much hate it too ;)

  2. So pretty. My marbles are always failures though. I love the blue nail especially.

  3. These are so pretty!! I am too scared to try water marbeling. lol.

    1. Thanks Sarah! Don't be scared! You should definitely try it. Don't be put off by my bad luck either. It works fine and is so fun when I'm at home :)

  4. They are so pretty and perfect!! My water marble skills are the worse lol. I love this.

    1. Thank you!! It's amazing what a coat of shimmery glitter can do to cover up the flaws! ;)

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