
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Over The Moon - Color Club


I have finished exams and that means I have finished my degree! It feels so good. Not that that's the end though. I am heading back to uni next year to do Honours and will hopefully start my PhD after that, if all goes to plan. So exciting things to come for me there.

Anywho, I quickly painted my nails after my exam, before work yesterday with Color Club 'Over The Moon'.

Over The Moon, Color Club, swatch

Over The Moon, Color Club, swatch

Over The Moon, Color Club, swatch
Here is 'Over The Moon' in all her holo glory. I cannot ever get enough holo in my life. Color Club really does holo well. I love the shade of blue in this too. Kind of icy. Really flattering for a blue I think.

The formula was spectacular on 'Over The Moon' as it has been with the other Color Club Halo Hues I have worn. 2 thin coats is all that was needed for full opacity.

On a side note, I am having serious issues with Blogger at the moment changing the colours of my photos. I have managed to revert my previous photos that were looking HIDEOUS by changing the auto-enhance setting etc, but I'm still trying to work it all out. Apologies for any that Blogger so kindly messed with. I promise I don't terribly fake tan my fingers and I also promise that I don't photograph nails of cadavers and publish them.

Here's a sample of what has been happening. Yes this is the same photo. And hopefully Blogger doesn't mess with these too - it will probably not do it here and they'll look normal x)


  1. I love the Color Club holos and this shade is no exception, so vibrant!

  2. Omg I see what you were talking about! Holy crap. Hopefully blogger doesn't do this to my photos :(


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