
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Another look at Candeo Colors Deep Space

Hi folks.

My nails are right in the midst of their biggest fight with me EVER!! Peeling, breaking, etc and my cuticles... UGH I am moisturizing like there is no tomorrow and it's barely helping! HELP me friendly readers!

Anyway, moral of the story is that I am not loving any of my photos right now, so I thought I'd show you an update of Candeo Colors 'Deep Space' (some of you might have seen these floating about already). In my original post, I was in Wellington and all I had for lighting was the overcast sky. So I recently took some more pictures and managed to catch a glimpse of the glorious shift in 'Deep Space'...

Candeo Colors, Deep Space, swatch
This is one coat over a-england 'Camelot'.

Candeo Colors, Deep Space, swatch
I mentioned also that I thought 'Deep Space' would look good over colours other than black. So here we go...
Pinky to index = a-england 'Avalon', 'Order of the Garter', 'Saint George' and 'Holy Grail' (new version). I love 'Deep Space' over all of these. I especially like how the little blue glitters pop more over certain colours like 'Holy Grail'.

So there you go. I think this shows much more of the true potential of 'Deep Space'. This can be purchased direct from Candeo Colors or through Llarowe.

I'm off to moisturize and hope that my nails grow already!!!


  1. Oooh this is lovely! Omg I know how you feel on the peely front - my right middle finger surprised me with a big ugly one today :(

    I love how this looks over Saint George and Holy Grail!

    1. Thanks Lexie. Yea I wonder what it is? Weather? I thought it was supposed to be a winter thing, but mine were fine through winter and now they the worst they've been in years :(

    2. Awww girl I'm sorry to hear that! I have no clue what's up with mine either ;(

  2. Oh, I love this subtle color shift. And that Candeo glitter polish is so eye-catching.

    1. Thanks Alexis. It really is gorgeous. And versatile too. It looks good over so many colours :)

  3. This is gorgeous!

    As for the peeling moisturize, make sure you drink plenty of fluids, and try Duri Rejuvicate, Seche Rebuild or Orly Nail Defense. They all bond the layers of the nail together and have worked wonders for me.

    I've also found that I have more problems if I use a non-acetone polish remover for some reason.

    Hope these suggestions help you like they've helped me!

    1. Thank you!! I've used a few different strengtheners but none if them. Will have to check them out. And you know I've just stopped using acetone free remover for that reason. I never would have thought. Thanks so much again for your suggestions.

    2. Hope you find a combination that works for you, and soon! Having peeling and breaking nails is no fun!

    3. Thanks. Yea I'll get there. I've just had my last shift of work for the year and that's one of the things that really kills my nails, so lots of love for them in the Christmas break :)


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