
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Monroe - piCture pOlish (& a mini comparison)


I hate when I don't post for a whole week! And I am sorry. Trouble is, at the moment I am posting what I wear and I haven't been wearing much so I have nothing spare to post. My exams start on Monday so polish has been staying on me for about 5+ days then I'll go naked for a couple of days and start again from there. Anyway, something that I'm glad I got to wear for as long as possible is piCture pOlish 'Monroe'. 'Monroe' is part of the Opulence collection.

Picture polish Monroe, swatch

Picture polish Monroe, swatch
Of all the piCture pOlish shades I've shown you so far, this is absolutely one of my favourites. That is a big call to make because I have really really loved pretty much all of them so far. These two photos show 'Monroe' in direct light (top) and in slightly less direct light (bottom). In bright light the holo particles, that I seem to constantly go on about, really come alive, but in less direct light, the depth of the burgundy is apparent.

Picture polish Monroe, swatch
'Monroe' is the most beautifully rich red wine colour. So incredibly elegant. I just wanted to get all dressed up while I was wearing this, but alas, I am wrapped up warm in a onesie studying ;) I love how the holo has the red undertone of the polish. It really glows - you can see in this photo on my index finger.

Picture polish Monroe, swatch
I just thought I'd pop this in here. On my pinky and middle fingers is the original 'Monroe' that piCture pOlish released before this reformulated version. When I heard they were remaking 'Monroe' I knew I had to get the original. It was the first piCture pOlish I ever owned and I love it as much today as the moment I got it. It is very different as you can see. The original version is a bit more red and the holo is totally different and much more subtle. If you have the original, I would definitely recommend getting the new version too. It is as gorgeous, but in a whole different way. For this photo, I have 3 thin coats on my pinky and 4 thin coats on my middle finger. You can see how much redder it is with one less coat.

'Monroe' was, as usual, really nice to apply. This is another one of the slightly more opaque ones and 2 coats gives perfect opacity.

piCture pOlish is available from a whole bunch of places. Make sure you check out the piCture pOlish website, you can order this polish direct from them for $12 AUD or you can have a look at their list of distributors.

This product was provided for review. This is my personal, unbiased opinion.
For more information, see my disclosure policy.

1 comment :

  1. This polish looks totally amazing on you! I have been dieing for this color and I finally ordered it a couple days ago...yay!! Can't wait to wear this amazing polish! :)


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